Delta Diablo Celebrates 40th Anniversary of its Wastewater Treatment Plant
Delta Diablo Celebrates 40th Anniversary of its Wastewater Treatment Plant

On May 13, 2022, the District marked the 40-year anniversary of its Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), which was officially opened during a ceremonial event on May 13, 1982 attended by congressional representatives and local elected officials. During this event, the unofficial agency name “Delta Diablo Sanitation District” was identified following a naming contest with local schoolchildren, and officially adopted in 1989 and modified to “Delta Diablo” in July 2013. Although Delta Diablo (originally known as Contra Costa County Sanitation District 7-A) has existed as a wastewater collection and treatment agency for over 67 years, the passage of the Clean Water Act in 1972 and local efforts to consolidate these critical public services ultimately led to design and construction of the WWTP (originally referred to as the Industrial Shore Water Pollution Control Facility) to serve customers in Antioch, Pittsburg, and West Pittsburg (now Bay Point).
In 1982, the District treated 7.0 million gallons per day (MGD) of wastewater from nearly 100,000 customers at the WWTP. Following 40 years of operation and growth in our service area, the District now treats 13.6 MGD and serves over 215,000 customers. During its history, the District has achieved an exemplary regulatory compliance record—highlighted by a recent 14-year streak without any discharge permit violations—and become a recognized industry leader known for its progressive “Utility of the Future” commitment to resource recovery, organizational excellence, environmental stewardship, fiscal responsibility, high-quality customer service, and innovation. Since facility startup, over 350 employees have directly contributed to achieving the District’s core mission of protecting public health and the environment in concert with leadership and guidance from numerous Board of Directors members representing their respective communities.
Since startup of wastewater conveyance and treatment facilities in 1982, the District has made significant capital investments to ensure ongoing infrastructure effectiveness and reliability while providing expanded wastewater conveyance and treatment capabilities and services to its customers. Because the WWTP is now 40 years old and the wastewater sector continues to face emerging regulatory requirements, the District continues to maintain an organizational focus on effective stewardship of limited public resources to meet infrastructure investment and operational needs. In August 2021, the Board of Directors approved a new District Strategic Plan following broad engagement with staff at all levels in the organization. This document established a new District Mission, Vision, and Behavioral Values, while highlighting key goals, strategies, and objectives to guide District activities over the next few years.